Superheroes, Movies & Superhero Movies – Episode 018 – Batman Returns [1992]

Superheroes, Movies & Superhero Movies – Episode 018 – Batman Returns [1992]

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Our apologies for the late episode. We’ve had some busy schedules lately, but now it’s up for your listening pleasure! Better late than never!

This week the guys tackle the 1992 film Batman Returns. Tim Burton’s follow up to his 1989 smash hit. The dark Batman Burton helped create is back and this time is up against two villains! The Penguin, played by Danny Devito, and Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer! How does it compare to the original Batman? Does it have the same nostalgia for the guys? John prepared for this episode by watching it not once, not twice, but three times! Sounds like he loves it, right?

Listen, enjoy, and let us know what you think of Batman Returns.

Remembering Robin Williams

Remembering Robin Williams

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On Monday, August 11th, the entertainment world lost a monumental talent.  Robin Williams died at the age of 63 by suicide.  The shock was enormous and felt by many.  The internet has been flooded with outpouring of love for Mr. Williams and condolences for his family.  Many have posted their first memories of seeing him on TV or in a movie, others have shared their favorite Robin Williams roles.  In this post, I plan to do a little bit of both and share how he touched my life.

My first memory of Robin Williams is Mork from Ork on TV’s Mork and Mindy. Looking at his filmography, the first film of his that I probably saw was Popeye (which is possible I watched before seeing Mork and Mindy), but the first film I saw of his in theater would have been 1991’s Hook. And yet, by the time I saw Hook, Robin Williams already had such a presence in my life. It had to have been because of Mork and Mindy. Most of his other film I wouldn’t have been allowed to watch at that age. I loved those old re-runs of him as the wacky alien living among us. The episodes with Jonathan Winters (who was a big inspiration for Robin Williams) as their son were among my favorite. Williams had a way of lighting up the screen and making me laugh like no one had before. I loved his zaniness, his charm, and his delight as he drank with his finger and said “Nanu-nanu”.

Robin Williams Hook 3

In 1991, Williams was perfectly cast as the boy who would never grow up, but somehow did: Peter Pan. With Spielberg directing, even my eight year old self knew I was in for something magical. Williams brought the perfect energy to the adult version of Pan and played Peter Banning, who doesn’t remember Neverland or anything from his past, perfectly. I can’t imagine anyone else playing the part. When Peter begins to remember (“You’re doing it, Peter!”), his whole demeanor changes (in fact, so does his appearance. You’ll notice his pointy ears and  hairstyle). The little boy inside comes bursting through. Watching Williams fly around Neverland with John Williams score behind him is something that I’ll never forget. Critics may not have enjoyed Hook, but most people my age cherish it. I know I do.

Robin Williams Jumanji

As Alan Parrish in Jumanji.

The 90’s would be a very good time for Williams. Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, Flubber, Jack and Aladdin all would cement him as being the funniest man in show business.

As I got older I began to check out Williams’ other films. Awakenings. Dead Poets Society. The Fisher King. Not only was Williams an amazing comedic performer but he excelled in dramatic roles, too. The man could do anything. In 1997 he would go on to play Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting. A role that would earn him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. It’s my favorite performance of his and he deserved every award he received.

RobinWilliams Good Will Hunting

In his Oscar winning role as Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting.

Some could argue that he didn’t have as much success in the 2000’s as he did in the 90’s but I would disagree. Maybe his films weren’t as big, but his performances were just as good. If you don’t believe me, check out Christopher Nolan’s Insomnia or Mark Romanek’s One Hour Photo. Or Bobcat Goldthwait’s World’s Greatest Dad.

Robin Williams Insomnia

Opposite Al Pacino in Insomnia.

Robin Williams One Hour Photo

As the creepy Seymour Parrish in One Hour Photo.

On top of all that, Robin Williams seemed to be one of the nicest, most generous people in Hollywood. I’ve read countless stories over the last few days of his caring demeanor and willingness to go out of his way to make someone smile. He had the biggest heart and, from what I’ve read, never saw himself as someone as better than anyone else. We lost an amazing talent, a great comedian, an brilliant actor, and most importantly an incredible human being.

We miss you, Robin Williams. Rest in peace.


Thank you for all the memories.

Superheroes, Movies & Superhero Movies – Episode 017 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [1990]

Superheroes, Movies & Superhero Movies – Episode 017 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [1990]

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If you were a young kid in the late 80’s, you probably haven’t just heard of “the Turtles,” you lived and breathed them. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. These guys were everywhere. Mass marketing found a new meaning. Toys, television series, lunch boxes, cereal, you name it. The Turtles really showed how effective a franchise could be, aimed at children. With individualized colors and weapons, and a heroic ninja fighting style, boys everywhere wanted to grow up to be these teenage mutations.

When the movie came and you saw the poster for the first time, nothing could quite explain the reaction. Four Turtles peeking out of a manhole. They were REAL!! And so was the Shredder! Thankfully, these guys are on our side, because Shredder is one bad looking (and sounding) villain!

The guys revisit this childhood classic and talk about the things they remember about it in youth. More importantly, how it holds up today. Check it out below:

Mini-Review 015 – Guardians of the Galaxy [PG-13]

Mini-Review 015 – Guardians of the Galaxy [PG-13]

GOTG_Payoff_1-Sht_v4b_LgGuardians of the Galaxy was one of those movies that immediately grabbed my attention at first glance. This was both good and bad.

I had never seen these characters before, let alone, heard of them. (Sorry to any fanboys I am currently letting down). I was intrigued, but at the same time, confused. Why is Marvel picking this? The majority of people have NO idea who these guys are. They aren’t even going to know it’s Marvel. Along with that, it looked extremely CGI heavy, with a raccoon and tree-man being two prominent characters.

Now that it’s been released, find out what Justin thought about the film below: